Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ari Wibowo – Madu dan Racun


Engkau yang cantik
Engkau yang manis
Engkau yang manja
Selalu tersipu, rawan sikapmu
Di balik kemelutmu

Di remang kabutmu
Di tabir mega-megamu
Kumelihat dua tangan
Dibalik punggungmu

Madu di tangan kananmu
Racun di tangan kirimu
Aku tak tahu
Mana yang akan kau berikan padaku
Aku tak tahu
Mana yang akan kau berikan padaku

In memoriam of him (14/Apr/2011)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Export Environment template in Visual Studio

You can save your visual studio environment template with this …
On this case i use Visual Studio 2005 , and here are the steps :

1. Open your Visual Studio application
2. Go to menu Tools – Import and Export Settings…


3. Choose option export

4. Later you need to define the location to save your setting

5. Done for this action

Have a nice day

Reset Environment in Visual Studio 2005

Sometime when you develop some application you need environment that suit with your code, example on jan 2011 you develop with and on jun 2011 you develop with c# environment, so you need some adjustment for this, and here the steps to do in your VS:

1. Go to menu Tools – Import and Export Settings…
on your visual studio application

2. Choose option reset all settings

3. In this steps you need to choose the environment that you need – base on your code development.


4. Done

Have a nice day


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Manage Project Security on Sourcesafe

To manage the project rights for an individual command for each user, we can follow the steps below:
1. Open Visual SourceSafe Administrator program.
2. Check the Enable Rights and Assignments commands box in the Visual SourceSafe Administrator menu Tools -> Options -> Project Rights tab. In the New User Rights area of the Project Rights tab, we can deselect the project rights that do not apply to any database users.
SourceSafe Options
(SourceSafe Options)
3. Now there are 3 rights commands available or enable on the Tools menu: Rights by Project, Rights Assignments for User and Copy User Rights.

Hukum Tabur Tuai

Ingatlah hukum dasar ini, dalam kehidupanmu  Barang siapa yang menanam, dia pula yang akan menuai